New Clients

This information is for new service clients to help us serve you better.


It is best if you have a regularly scheduled appointment. This will ensure that we can reserve a regular time slot for you to clean your aquarium weeks in advance. If this is not possible for you, we recommend calling or texting as many days before as possible to schedule an appointment. Regular clients get priority scheduling and priority pricing, so call-in appointments are limited. The best option is always to schedule your next appointment during your tech visit.

Our business hours are 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday. We do not schedule appointments on weekends or evenings. Phone calls or texts before or after hours will be answered in a timely manner as soon as possible. Texts are usually the best method to make appointments so that we can include your assigned aquarium tech.

If you need to cancel your appointment or reschedule, please give as much advance notice as possible.

General Aquarium Tips

Always feed lightly once a day or every other day. Excess food causes more aquarium issues than anything else. If your tank is cloudy, or if filters are not working, or fish seem sick, do not feed the fish and contact us to schedule an appointment. Additional food will make any issues worse.

Try to keep sunlight out of the aquarium by keeping blinds or curtains closed if possible. Aquarium light should only be on 8 hours per day or so. Too much light can cause water to turn green or an explosion of algae growth. The use of a timer to turn light on and off automatically is strongly recommended.

If your tank is new only add a small number of fish at a time. Tanks take 2-3 months to cycle and balance with enough beneficial bacteria. You can purchase bacteria supplements to aid this process.

If your aquarium is low on water, you can top it off to the bottom of the top rim with treated (add dechlorinator drops first!) tap water. Make sure it is close to the same temperature as the aquarium water and add dechlorinator drops as per directions before adding.

If you lose a fish, it is always best to remove it as soon as possible. We usually can’t tell much about what happened from an expired fish, so it is perfectly fine to dispose of it.

We recommend having your aquarium serviced at least 1-2 times per month. Sometimes people wait until the aquarium is very dirty or cloudy to schedule service, but regular service will keep your fish healthy and aquarium looking good before you have any issues.

Billing and Payments

You can pay by cash or check. We also accept credit cards through our payment portal on our  website. Go to Pay Invoice section of our website to visit our payment area. For recurring payments we can bill a credit card you provide on file. Tips are never expected and always appreciated if you are pleased with our service.

Thank You

Thank you for your business and the opportunity to take care of your aquarium!